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Jumat, 09 Mei 2014


Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is a shinobi from Konohagakure. He became the jinchūriki of Kurama on the day of his birth, a fate that caused him to be ostracised by most of Konoha throughout his childhood. After becoming a member of Team Kakashi, Naruto works hard to gain the village's respect and acknowledgement with the eventual dream of becoming Hokage. In the years that follow, Naruto becomes a capable ninja and eventually becomes regarded as a hero, both by the villagers and the shinobi world at large.


Naruto and Kushina2
A newborn Naruto with his mother Kushina.
Naruto was born as the son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and Kurama's second jinchūriki, Kushina Uzumaki. Naruto's parents named him after the main character of Jiraiya's first book, thus making the Sannin his godfather.[8] Prior to Naruto's birth, his parents and the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi feared that his birth would break the seal which kept Kurama in Kushina. The plan to ensure it did not occur was for Kushina to be taken to a top-secret location outside the village with Biwako Sarutobi and Taji as her midwives, a few ANBU as security, and Minato to keep the seal in place. However, word of Kushina giving birth reached a masked ninja who intended to take the fox for his own evil ends. After killing the midwives and ANBU, the masked man took the newborn Naruto hostage to keep Minato away from Kushina so he can release the seal.[9]

Minato and Kushina protect Naruto
Minato and Kushina protecting Naruto from Kurama.
Though Naruto was taken to a safer location, the masked ninja succeeded in releasing Kurama and used it to devastate Konoha. After saving Kushina, Minato left Naruto with her as he went off to save their village.[9] Having severed the masked ninja's control over the tailed beast, Minato realised the only way to stop Kurama was to seal it within Naruto, believing that his son would someday have need of the fox's power to defeat the masked ninja when he returned.[10] However, Kurama's chakra was too immense for the seal to hold, forcing Minato to first weaken the demon, splitting its Yin and Yang chakra, sealing the former into the Hokage himself and the latter into his son. This great effort came at the price of Minato sacrificing his soul as well as Kushina taking a fatal blow from the fox meant for their son. Suddenly orphaned, Naruto was left to grow up knowing nothing of his parents, receiving only his mother's last name as Hiruzen believed it was best that nobody knew that he was related to the Fourth Hokage.[11]
Despite Minato's final request to Hiruzen for the villagers to see Naruto as a hero who had helped defeat Kurama, only the Third Hokage and a few of the villagers honoured his request. Everyone else instead resented him for containing the beast that had destroyed their home, some even seeing him as the fox itself. Furthermore, Hiruzen made a decree to prohibit any mention of Naruto's nature as a jinchūriki in the hope that the other children would not resent him. However, even without knowing the reason, most of the children followed their parents' example and shunned Naruto.[12] The social isolation would cause Naruto to develop a need to be acknowledged through mischief.

Naruto as a little child
Naruto as a child.
Naruto later enrolled at the Academy. In the anime, one day, he was confronted by Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Chōji Akimichi. They accused him of making someone named Yota, who was a stranger to the village, disappear. Seeing them look at him with such distrust like the rest of the village, Naruto grew furious and ran away, so angry that people would like even an outsider over him. He then heard a young boy crying who strangely appeared to control the weather, making it rain with his tears. Naruto then realised this boy must be Yota. Immediately taking a liking to Naruto, the young boy asked him to teach him how to whistle like he saw Naruto do earlier. As Naruto began teaching him, the two soon became close friends. Later, Naruto and Yota began playing along with other the Konoha children that knew about Yota. One day, while playing a game of hiding, Yota insisted to hide with Naruto. When Naruto told him to hide somewhere else, Yota mistakenly thought Naruto didn't like him anymore and ran away crying. His crying caused another rainshower, which alerted the ANBU. As they took Yota captive, Naruto and the others tried to stop the ANBU, but to no success.[13]
Determined to save his first ever friend, Naruto and the others staged a plan with Naruto acting as a diversion. Despite finding Yota, the ANBU easily foiled their plan. Naruto quickly joined his friends, refusing to let Yota be kept prisoner. Seeing how much Naruto cared for him and then got struck down by the ANBU, Yota summoned bolts of lightning to knock the ANBU out. Greatly weakened by the act, Naruto carried Yota out of the village with the others, determined to bring him to freedom. Upon reaching a river, unable to walk over it yet, they chose to swim. Their attempts proved futile and nearly drowned, only to be saved by Yota. Having overtaxed himself, Yota felt his life fading. Happy to have had friends, Yota didn't want them to suffer with this sad memory and erased all knowledge of him from their minds.[14]

Young sasuke and Naruto
Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry during their childhood.
Naruto eventually became the student of Iruka Umino and met his class mate Sasuke Uchiha when the two were paired to spar against each other. Though excited at the chance to achieve popularity by beating Sasuke, Naruto was easily beaten. By looking at Sasuke's eyes, Naruto realised that they were filled with hatred, even though it wasn't directed at him. When Iruka told them to make the reconciliation seal, they both refused.[15] Since then, Naruto came to see Sasuke as a rival and intended to beat him. When Naruto found out that Sasuke was also an orphan, he was secretly happy for not being the only one alone and wanted to talk to him, but couldn't because of his jealousy toward Sasuke's skills.[16] Still, Naruto wished that someday, Sasuke would acknowledge him as an equal.[17]
In the anime, when Naruto pulled a prank on a group of boys for not being invited to their "test of courage", he refused to return to the Academy after being glared at by Iruka with the same resentful stare everyone else gives him. Later, Naruto was tricked by the boys' leader, Hibachi, to get himself killed by enemy ninja in the hills. Learning of this, Iruka ended up saving Naruto from a trio of Takigakure kunoichi before Kakashi Hatake dispatched their pursuers. Soon after, Naruto began attending class again at the time that Iruka, who now acted as a surrogate brother to keep the boy in line, gave a lecture on the Will of Fire that inspired Naruto to become the next Hokage someday to achieve the acknowledgement he is striving for.[18] Apart from Hiruzen and Iruka, Naruto also found a surrogate family with the owner of Ramen Ichiraku, Teuchi and his daughter Ayame to some extent.


Naruto's photograph
Naruto's Ninja Registration Form photograph.
Naruto is exuberant, brash, inattentive, and heedless to formality or social standings. He inherited his catch-phrase "Dattebayo!" (だってばよ!) from his mother, who would say "(da)ttebane" ((だ)ってばね) when excited or frustrated.[19] Naruto has a number of childish traits, like keeping his money in a chubby, green-frog wallet he affectionately calls "Gama-chan",[20] being a very picky eater (he almost exclusively eats ramen and is a frequent customer at the Ramen Ichiraku), and being afraid of ghosts. He is also slightly perverted, something he tends to be reprimanded for by Sakura Haruno and Iruka, but has only become more peverted after meeting his mentor Jiraiya, causing many to say that Jiraiya raised a perfect replica of himself.[21] However, whenever someone dear to him is in trouble or the situation calls for it, Naruto can be very serious, and will instantly try to come to their aid.
According to Kakashi, Naruto learns through his body, as he is relatively naive, simple, and being slow to understand a principle or situation, which often requires an oversimplified analogy in order to grasp what is being explained to him.[22] Overall, Naruto responds best to competition and has a great deal of self-confidence, loudly proclaiming that he will master whatever technique he is learning within a fraction of the usual time,[23] though he doesn't hesitate to ask for help if he needs it.[24] While as naive as he appears to be throughout most of the series, Naruto has proven to have a keen eye to certain things most people don't see, showing that he can be smarter than what most people, especially Sakura, are willing to give him credit for when he wants to be, something even Chōji comments on once in a while. This was shown when Naruto was the first to notice the differences in Sai's book,[25] later helped to decipher Jiraiya's dying message left from Fukasaku on his back and managed to help solve the message through Kakashi's Icha Icha book.[26] He is also quite observant in regards to other people's feelings (though he was oblivious of Hinata's love for him until she confessed her feelings to him) and is able to perceive the truth from people's intentions, such as when Sakura claimed she loved him and not Sasuke any more, Naruto immediately knew she was lying about how she felt, having witnessed her most extreme and inimitable signs of love for Sasuke.[27] Naruto also saw through Iruka's lie about a new wild creature on the Island Turtle they were on by remembering Motoi stating that B had tamed all the animals on the island.[28]

Naruto's promise
Naruto making a promise in the "nice guy" pose.
Due to the prejudice and loneliness he suffered in his childhood, Naruto developed a craving for acknowledgement. In order to achieve this, Naruto would pull pranks all around the village and even going far as strive for the title of Hokage. Even after graduating from the Academy, Naruto was still determined to be recognised, but as he made more and more connections with others, his reasons for wanting to become Hokage underwent a change, having less to do with the desire for recognition, and more to do with wanting the strength to protect his home and the people close to him. As noted by Tobi, Naruto possessed the Will of Fire, likening him to Hashirama Senju in this aspect.[29] Naruto's determination and drive strongly impacts the lives of those around him, even his enemies have been affected by his empathy. Both Kakashi and Temari referred to Naruto's amazing charisma as a "unique power" that allows him to change the worldly views of others for the better, usually by helping them regain the beliefs they lost due to certain tragedies they suffered.[30][31] Son Gokū also thought of him as an open and honest person.[32] Like Guy and Rock Lee, when Naruto makes a promise, he assumes the "nice guy pose" and becomes dedicated to fulfilling it, as shown in his promise to Sakura of bringing Sasuke back after the latter defected from Konoha.[33] Even Madara saw Naruto as the "heart" of the Allied Shinobi Forces, further proven when Naruto's senjutsu-enhanced Tailed Beast Mode combined with telepathy causes his emotions and personal memories to be transferred to everyone, he managed to reignite their fighting spirit after being demoralised by the Shinju where Hashirama couldn't.[34] Hashirama goes as far as to stating that Naruto's feelings and past gave hope to the Allied Shinobi Forces.[35]
Sasuke's defection shocked Naruto to his core, but he never wavered in his resolve to bring him back to Konoha. When his teacher Jiraiya was killed in battle by the Akatsuki leader Pain, he vowed vengeance against the man and left Konoha for a time to train in senjutsu.[36] Upon returning home after Pain destroyed the village and succumbing to rage, he met and spoke with his father, who explained to him the cycle of hatred and entrusted him with the duty of saving the ninja world from its hate.[37] After listening to Nagato's story of how hatred can shape a person and the world into darkness, Naruto vowed he would end the cycle of hatred and bring peace to the ninja world.[38] This decision, however, would come in direct opposition in his quest to bring Sasuke home, something that at first saddened him deeply.[39] Nevertheless, after meeting again in the Land of Iron, Naruto resolved that if he had to, he would fight and potentially kill his friend to end the cycle of hatred and save Sasuke from despair, even if it costs his own life.[40]
When he discovered that the Fourth Shinobi World War had started, Naruto made it his mission to end the war all by himself, so no one else would suffer.[41] He continued to do so until his battle with the reincarnated Nagato and Itachi Uchiha. After the fight, even though Itachi acknowledged Naruto had become stronger, he explained to Naruto that if he continued to believe that he could do everything alone, he would become arrogant like Madara. Itachi also said that if Naruto were to become Hokage, he should never forget his friends or do everything on his own.[42] Afterwards, Naruto acknowledged his shortcomings in his attempts to do things himself, and allowed others to help him instead of shouldering burdens himself. Due to this, Naruto takes up more of a leadership role, which he demonstrates throughout the course of the war as he successfully leads the counter attack on the White Zetsu Army, the charge against Tobi, who he later unmasks as Obito Uchiha, as well as leading the charge against Obito, Madara Uchiha himself, and even the Ten-Tails, ultimately freeing the tailed beasts by leading the entire Allied Shinobi Forces and the Konoha 11 personally.[43]
Expressing disapproval on Obito's nihilistic outlook on life, Naruto declares to Obito that he would not let him kill any of his comrades.[44] As a result, Obito resolved to put both him and the Allied Shinobi Forces into the same despair he experienced, namely by killing one of Naruto's friends, Neji Hyūga. This, along with Obito's diatribe towards Naruto and his beliefs, drove the young shinobi into a period of mental and emotional turmoil. Although nearly succumbing to Obito's temptation, Naruto was brought out of his depression by Hinata, who explained to him the meaning of Neji's last words that his life was not just his own, restoring his self-confidence as he thanked her for staying by his side.[45] Soon after, Naruto tells Kakashi and his comrades that he clearly understands that shinobi are meant to endure, believing that if remembering his friends was a curse, he would gladly shoulder that burden and keep the real Neji in his heart forever.[46] This shows how far Naruto has come as a shinobi and that he is above Obito's psychological warfare, telling him that unlike Obito, he wants to maintain the bonds he made with his friends. His dedication to his loved ones and comrades is so great, that even while fighting, his chakra responds to his subconscious desire to save them by healing them on its own.[47]

Dark Naruto

Dark Naruto
Dark Naruto.
After Killer B refused to train Naruto, Motoi guided Naruto and Yamato to the Falls of Truth, the place where B trained to control Gyūki's power. He instructed Naruto to sit on a platform and close his eyes. Soon after, Dark Naruto (闇ナルト, Yami Naruto), the manifestation of the hatred that existed within Naruto's heart, appeared, berating Naruto for how quickly the people from Konoha changed their ideals about him.[48] Dark Naruto exclaimed that Kurama liked him better and he was the real Naruto while Naruto was an imposter.[49] They started to fight, but after a while, Naruto realised that they both had the same techniques, skills, and tactics. As a result, their fight was a draw and Naruto mentioned that if they continued like this, it would take a very long time to settle it.
He appeared once again after Naruto returned to the Falls of Truth. Instead of fighting, Naruto projected an image from his mind of his autograph signature that he was unable to give to the Konoha shinobi. This angered Dark Naruto, pointing out to Naruto that those people were part of the same villagers who made him suffer as an outcast, telling him that he shouldn't trust them. However, Naruto stated that he trusted the villagers because they were important to him, but what was also important was that he needed to have faith in himself, so he would have the strength to live up to the villagers' trust in him. Naruto's statement started to weaken Dark Naruto, forcing him to question what was the reason for his existence. Naruto stated that Dark Naruto was really him and thanked Dark Naruto for pushing him to be the person he was now. He hugged Dark Naruto when the latter tried to attack him, telling Dark Naruto that it was all going to be alright. Letting go of his own anger at their past, Dark Naruto's eyes lightened as he gave into Naruto's words, and disappeared.[50]
Later, when Naruto entered his subconscious, Kurama expressed surprise as it could no longer sense any hatred within Naruto, and questioned Naruto about where the "real him" was, to which Naruto replied that the real him was right in front of it.[51] During his battle with Kurama to obtain its power, the fox infected its chakra with its own hatred when Naruto started to gain the upper hand. This partially brought about Dark Naruto again briefly, before Naruto's mother appeared and helped banish him.[52][53]


Main article: Naruto Uzumaki's Relationships Due to his friendly nature and his unique charisma, Naruto has built many relationships over the course of the series that have defined him and others, even tailed beasts and other jinchūriki. Many of these relationships started off antagonistic, but through his tenacity and empathy, they developed into deep and lasting friendships.


Naruto both parts
Naruto in Part II (left) and in Part I (right) respectively.
As stated by Jiraiya, Naruto bears a striking resemblance to his father, having Minato's blue eyes and blond, spiky hair.[54] From his mother, Naruto inherited the shape of both her eyes and face.[55] During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Dan Katō initially mistakes him for Nawaki due to their stark resemblance as well.[56] Naruto's most prominent physical characteristics, however, are the whisker marks on his face. Probably Naruto's most regularly mentioned trait before the second half of the series (which easily provoked him) was his short stature for his age.[57] After the time skip, he had a noticeably significant growth spurt which made him taller than his team-mate, Sakura.[58]
In Part I, Naruto's outfit consisted of an orange tracksuit with blue on the upper shoulders area as well as around the waist, a white swirl with a tassel on the left side, a red Uzumaki swirl crest on the back, a large white collar, orange pants with a shuriken holster attached to his right knee (due to being right-handed), blue sandals, and a blue forehead protector that was given to him by Iruka after he graduated from the Academy. Naruto would usually wear a black T-shirt inside his tracksuit, but sometimes wore armour underneath his clothing.[59] During his early childhood, Naruto would usually wear a T-shirt (white, navy green or black) that had either an Uzumaki or fire symbol on the front, also wearing a pair of shorts. He also donned green goggles that he wore on his forehead sometimes.

Naruto with coat and scroll
Naruto as he appeared during his battle with Pain.
In Part II, Naruto's outfit undergoes modification after being worn to shreds during his training with Jiraiya.[60] The outfit retains the orange colour as well as the white (without the tassel) and red swirls, but the jacket is much more form fitting with the blue parts changed to black and the colour extending from around the neck and shoulders, down the front and sleeves. The forehead protector has also changed with Naruto moving the metal portion to a new longer black bandanna and he wears black sandals instead of blue. Naruto occasionally is seen wearing a navy green T-shirt with a fire symbol and white shorts on casual days or his off-duty days from missions. During his battle with Pain, Naruto briefly sported a short-sleeved red coat with a black flame pattern along the hemline and carried a large summoning scroll on his back. After meeting Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, who transfered half of his power to Naruto, he gained a light circle mark on his right palm.


Fūton Rasenshuriken
Naruto's use of high-ranking ninjutsu such as the Shadow Clone Technique and Wind Release: Rasenshuriken.
Naruto was a poor student in the Academy as he struggled to perform even basic techniques. He narrowly managed to graduate from the Academy and become an official shinobi after three consecutive failures. His only "ability" of note was the Sexy Technique. While creative and an effective distraction against certain men, the technique had virtually no practical use.[61] Yet through sheer perseverance and willpower, Naruto was able to push past this stumbling block, revealing himself as a late bloomer as his true talent showed itself later. This enabled Naruto to develop rapidly during Part I, to the point where he could hold his own against geniuses such as Neji Hyūga and Sasuke Uchiha. His performance during the Chūnin Exams impresses many of the same people who knew him as a failure in the Academy; even Sasuke, who was at the top of their graduating class, becomes jealous that Naruto is catching up to him so rapidly. Many prominent ninja, both allies and enemies have noted Naruto's great potential growth; Orochimaru, after seeing Naruto defeat Kabuto, viewed him as a great future threat if he was left alive.[62]
Jiraiya, seeing the same potential that Orochimaru does in Naruto, took the young boy as a student, greatly developing his skills by Part II. Since his return to Konoha, Naruto continued to rapidly improve his skills, mastering increasingly advanced techniques and forms to expand his repertoire. He was able to fight a more experienced and elite ninja like Kakashi Hatake on somewhat even terms during the second Bell Test, and eventually surpassed his skill in combining shape and nature transformation with the creation of Wind Release: Rasenshuriken. Through his frequent encounters with powerful shinobi like the Akatsuki, Naruto gained some notoriety, even defeating the leader of Akatsuki, Pain. Konoha has since considered him a hero, which leads his fame to spread to other ninja villages.
During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Naruto became able to hold his own against Kage of both the previous and current generations on the battlefield.[63][64] Even Madara Uchiha, a legendary shinobi with enhanced physical parameters upon his reincarnation, was forced to take Naruto seriously when they fought.[65] Naruto even became recognised by the current five Kage, the four previous Hokage, and the ninja world at large as the only person who can save and change the world.[66] He has also been noted to have surpassed his father[67] and has even been compared to Hashirama Senju several times, with Tobirama even noting that he could become a greater Hokage than Hashirama was.[68] Hashirama himself credited Naruto with their near defeat of Madara.[69] After meeting Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Naruto was able to completely overwhelm the revived Madara in his Ten-Tails jinchūriki form, forcing him to absorb the entirety of the Shinju.[70] According to Kakashi, he's surpassed the previous Hokage now.[71]

Life Force and Chakra Prowess

Lee resolved to fight
Naruto sharing some of Kurama's chakra.
Ever since he became a genin, it was realised that Naruto possessed an outstanding amount of chakra. Kakashi estimates that Naruto's chakra reserves are at least four times greater than his own.[72] His chakra is especially strong with a special form like Kushina's.[73] Karin described Naruto's charka nature as being "bright and warm". While his reserves being naturally immense made up for it somewhat, he originally had weak chakra control, causing him to have a poor performance in the Academy and essentially waste more than necessary for techniques.[74] When he became aware of Kurama's presence inside himself, he was able to improve his chakra output enough to perform more advanced techniques successfully. Later, Ebisu - and then Jiraiya - taught Naruto how to use his chakra more efficiently.[75] Furthermore, he had also learnt from the toads of Mount Myōboku how to perfectly balance his physical and spiritual energy with natural energy, and thus use Sage chakra. Later, having mastered chakra control and already experienced with manipulation of large quantities of chakra, Naruto can share chakra with thousands of individuals at once.[76] By doing so, he can also grant them chakra cloaks which protect them and bolster the power of their techniques. Though the training helped, his control was still not perfect as he almost always relied on shadow clones and later the use of chakra hands when performing Rasengan-based techniques.
Because of his Uzumaki lineage, Naruto has inherited a much greater longevity than most humans. He also has a considerably strong physical energy and life-force. He was shown to be resilient enough to survive the extraction of a tailed beast (albeit he was rendered unconscious and in a critical state).[77] Naruto is also known for his greatly accelerated healing, stemming from his Uzumaki heritage, but may also be attributed to Kurama.[78] Part of his power also stems from his distant ancestor Asura's chakra having incarnated into him.[79] During the Fourth Shinobi World War, after receiving half of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki's power, Naruto has somehow managed to rekindle Guy's extinguishing chakra after the latter unlocked all of the Eight Gates and restore missing organs like Kakashi's original eye from decades ago.[80] He also became able to sense the presence of the other half of the great Sage's power. Furthermore, his chakra control is greatly improved as he was shown using advanced nature transformation type Rasengan techniques with just one hand, with contributions from some of the other eight tailed beasts.

Jinchūriki Transformations

Main articles: Jinchūriki Forms and Nine-Tails Chakra Mode

Naruto's initial jinchūriki form.
As formidable as Naruto's chakra is alone, his reserves are greatly augmented by the tailed beast within him. Kakashi estimates Naruto's reserves are at least a hundred times greater than the jōnin without suppressing Kurama's chakra.[72] Naruto's chakra has been mixing with Kurama's since the day he was born, amplifying his already large reserves. According to Kurama, because Naruto spent his entire life as a jinchūriki and has his mother's special chakra form, Naruto's chakra has more effectively moulded with the tailed beast's own.[81] Due to this symbiosis, Naruto can perform many chakra-taxing techniques and in a very rapid sequence. Despite this, Naruto spent most of his life not even aware of the demon fox's existence within him. Naruto's journey to access and control Kurama's power (and later befriend the tailed beast) is a long and arduous one. Having been its jinchūriki for his entire life, Naruto has always benefited from its presence. After learning of Kurama's presence, Naruto begins tapping into the fox's enormous chakra reserves, supplementing his own and increasing his strength and speed in the process. It also augments Naruto's healing power, able to regenerate lost flesh within seconds with no lingering signs. But Naruto does not, in fact, consciously access Kurama's power on the first few occasions. Rather, Kurama intervenes when Naruto's life is in danger or it takes advantage of Naruto's rage to exert some of its influence. Jiraiya teaches Naruto how to communicate with Kurama, enabling Naruto to thereafter request a donation of its strength. His ability to utilise it and the amount he can access grows during Part I, culminating in his ability to enter a single-tailed version 1 state, which improves Naruto's defences and allows him to manifest chakra arms that increase his range.
Jiraiya helps Naruto improve his control of Kurama's power during their two-and-a-half years together. Naruto is able to reach a three-tailed Version 1 form, which incrementally boosts his speed and strength. Although Naruto becomes more headstrong, even violent, when using Version 1 cloaks, he remains in control. Satisfied with these results, Jiraiya loosens the seal that keeps Kurama sealed inside Naruto in the hopes it will give Naruto increased access to its chakra. This inadvertently triggers a version 2 state; Naruto's capabilities grow to exponential heights in version 2, but Naruto no longer remains in control of his senses, causing him to attack anything in sight. Jiraiya is nearly killed in their first experiment and Naruto remembers nothing about it afterwards. From that point further, Jiraiya encourages Naruto to be cautious in his use of Kurama's power and, upon returning him to Konoha, Jiraiya quietly advises others about how to prevent Naruto from losing control.[82]
Because he was never told about his first Version 2 experience, Jiraiya's warnings do not make an impression on Naruto. Added to the increasing danger he and his friends face and the frustrations that come with them, Naruto eventually enters a Version 2 form a second time. Although he is able to use it to overpower Orochimaru, he attacks Sakura in the process. Yamato, having been specifically teamed with Naruto to suppress Kurama if needed, intervenes in time to save her.[83] Yamato tells Naruto afterwards what happened. Upset that he could be a danger to those he cares for, Naruto stops relying on Kurama and looks for new ways to get stronger. He succeeds for a time, but once again succumbs to rage after witnessing Pain nearly kill Hinata Hyūga and enters another Version 2 form.

Rasenrangan Anime 1
Naruto in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.
Naruto's desperation for power in order to defeat Pain almost makes him release Kurama, causing him to realise that avoidance is not the solution. He instead decides to control the fox's power, and seeks guidance from Killer B, the jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails. With B's help he is able to conquer Kurama and gain free access to a portion of its strength, focusing its power into a Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. In this form, his body is shrouded in yellow chakra, upon which his seal is clearly visible. He also gains a necklace of magatama around his neck. Finally his hair spikes up, with the two endmost locks resembling horns. Nine-Tails Chakra Mode increases his strength, speed, and defences to what they were in Version 1, he becomes more dexterous with chakra arms, and he can sense negative emotions, a method of detection even sensor-type ninja can't do.[84] His speed in particular surpasses A's, who was the fastest shinobi in the world since Minato Namikaze died.[85] Nine-Tails Chakra Mode becomes instrumental to turning the tide of the Fourth Shinobi World War, letting him defeat the hordes of reincarnated shinobi.

Naruto's Bijudama
Naruto in Tailed Beast Mode.
Conquering Kurama is not the same as cooperating with it, and Naruto must still exercise caution when initially using Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. Having seen what Naruto has gone through during his life and the type of person he has become, Kurama decides to stop opposing Naruto and accepts Naruto's offers of friendship. Kurama freely gives Naruto as much of its chakra as it can, enabling him to enter Tailed Beast Mode. In this form, the chakra shroud splits down the middle of Naruto's body and opens up into a cloak that has a tattered appearance. The previously smaller 'horns' grow out larger, and his whisker marks become thicker. Underneath the 'coat', the magatama are still visible and he gains a new set around the 'collar' of the coat. Underneath this his seal changes once again opening out into circles instead of swirls. He also gains seals on his hands and feet. The cloak also has nine, tail-like appendages formed from the cloak and flowing from it with lines running down the middle of each. In Tailed Beast Mode, Naruto can fully manifest Kurama's form, in doing so unleashing Kurama's full might and gaining the ability to fire Tailed Beast Balls.[86] His speed, strength, and durability also increase by impressive amounts, to what they were in Version 2 and to the point where he could deflect five Tailed Beast Balls at the exact same time and send them flying kilometres away, and even pin and damage a senjutsu-enhanced complete Susanoo from Madara Uchiha with a single tail.[87][88] He could hold his own against three tailed beasts in battle and equal the combined power of the five with a single Tailed Beast Ball in a clash.[89][90] Naruto is even able to meld his and Kurama's chakra together so that he can transfer it to others, giving them Version 1-like cloaks that keep them safe and amplify their power.

Lava Rasenshuriken
Naruto forming a lava Rasenshuriken with Son Gokū's chakra.
Since befriending the tailed beasts, Naruto has gained a portion of each of their chakra, each of which is able to manifest itself inside Naruto's subconscious. The possession of these chakra allowed him to pull out the tailed beasts trapped inside the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki. After Naruto obtained the chakra of all nine tailed beasts, he later gained the ability to borrow their power, demonstrated when he used Son Gokū's chakra to use the Sage Art: Lava Release Rasenshuriken.[91] Similar, when accessing Shukaku's power, Naruto can use the Magnet Release to create the Sage Art: Magnet Release Rasengan. The tailed beasts are also able to aid Naruto in forming such complex techniques with a single hand.


Naruto defeating Kiba with the Naruto Uzumaki Combo.
Although not his specialty, Naruto is quite adept at taijutsu and uses it frequently. He usually makes unpredictable attacks which throw his enemies off guard. While his taijutsu attacks are not that skilful or very organised, he still used it successfully in battle against opponents such as Kiba Inuzuka and Neji Hyūga. It seems that Naruto's taijutsu is at its best when using shadow clones to help him. In Part I, with the aid of two shadow clones, he could take out two rogue samurai on his own to protect Inari.[92] Primarily during Part I, Naruto could also use his shadow clones in conjunction with taijutsu to create the Naruto Uzumaki Combo and its larger-scale version, where he and his clones pummel the enemy with a powerful barrage of punches and kicks.[93][94] As seen in Kakashi's bell test in Part II, Naruto could use his shadow clones to manoeuvre him in mid-air after being taught by Jiraiya, thus avoiding airborne projectiles. He remains manoeuvrable in a fight, able to get close to even skilled taijutsu practitioners and spar with them for a time, but if he is to ultimately defeat them in speed or strength he must utilise either Kurama's chakra or, in Part II, Sage Mode. Despite this, Naruto's proven skilled enough to hold his own against highly skilled taijutsu users such as Neji, Nagato's Deva Path, as well as Karui and Omoi at the same time.[95][96][97]


Naruto's massive reserves of chakra naturally allows him the potential to make use of various chakra-taxing ninjutsu techniques. However, his mediocre chakra control left him barely able to perform basic techniques, which caused him to fail three times in the Academy before he managed to graduate and become an official ninja by gaining enough control to perform the Shadow Clone Technique. Even after becoming a ninja, his chakra control was still very poor, but as time passed and he came under the wing of several seasoned ninja, his control steadily improved, allowing his access to powerful techniques to grow with it. This is most notable with the Sannin Jiraiya, who taught him techniques such as summoning or the Rasengan, served as to not only improved his control, but also expand and improve his ninjutsu arsenal. His chakra control continued to grow to the point he was able to learn to use his wind nature transformation to create the Rasenshuriken, which also allowed him to use and create longer range techniques. His control became great enough to allow him to learn powerful enhancement "modes" like Sage Mode, even the Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode through controlling Kurama's chakra. Once he met Hagoromo and gain some of his power, as well as the chakra of the all the other tailed beasts, not only did he gain an enhanced Sage Tailed Beast Mode, but also gained access to the tailed beasts' unique powers and abilities.

Shadow Clone Technique

1st Use Of The Shadow Clone
Naruto using the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.
Naruto is best known for his use of the Shadow Clone Technique. Where the average ninja must be careful in the creation of shadow clones so that they do not deplete their chakra reserves, Naruto can create upwards of a thousand clones and retain a decent amount of chakra in each of them.[98] This lets him overwhelm opponents with sheer numbers or carry out multiple tasks at once. It is because of shadow clones that Naruto is able to be so effective during the Fourth Shinobi World War, as he can appear on multiple battlefields at the same time.
During Part II, Naruto learns that whatever his shadow clones learn, he, the original, would also learn. He frequently employs this to complete a year's worth of training in a couple of days. In combat, it also lets him scout an area or test an opponent's abilities, letting him gauge how many shadow clones he will actually need for a fight rather than waste chakra on thousands of excess clones.[99]

Summoning Technique

Summoning Technique
Naruto using the Summoning Technique.
In order to encourage improved control over Kurama's chakra, Jiraiya teaches Naruto to perform the Summoning Technique. By offering a certain amount of chakra, Naruto can summon the toads of Mount Myōboku as allies that fight beside him. He is initially restricted to tadpoles due to his poor chakra control, but as his control improves he can summon small toads such as then-young Gamakichi or Gamatatsu. During Part I, he must rely on Kurama's chakra to summon toads of Gamabunta's size, but by Part II, Kurama's help is merely optional.


Naruto using the Rasengan.
Once Naruto succeeded in mastering summoning, Jiraiya teaches him the Rasengan. His reasons for teaching it to Naruto are various: the training involved in learning the Rasengan improves his chakra control; it is in many ways the counterpart to Sasuke's Chidori; it was invented by Naruto's father. Because of the very intricate chakra control the Rasengan requires, Naruto struggles to master it, and is not helped by the time limit he imposes on himself during his training. Although the Rasengan is intended as a one-handed technique, Naruto learns to use it with more than one hand, specifically a shadow clone's: he provides the chakra that will make the Rasengan while the clone forms it into the spherical shape.

Chōōdama Rasengan
Naruto using the Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan.
From further training with Jiraiya, Naruto is able to create larger versions of the Rasengan in Part II, such as the Big Ball Rasengan. The amount of preparation time required to form the Rasengan has decreased, but he still relies on shadow clones to help him when in his normal form. To make up for the need for shadow clones, Naruto steadily increases the number Rasengan he uses at a time, either by having the shadow clones form Rasengan in both of his hands or having them make their own Rasengan to bombard the target with.
It is only with Kurama's chakra or senjutsu chakra that Naruto can make a Rasengan on his own. He did so with the former briefly at the end of Part I while fighting Sasuke, using a Version 1 cloak as a shell for a Kurama-powered Rasengan. With Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, he uses the extra hands of his chakra arms to make new Rasengan, such as the Spiralling Absorption Sphere and the Planetary Rasengan. Because the Rasengan was conceptually based on the Tailed Beast Ball, he attempts to bring it into further parallel with the Tailed Beast Rasengan.[100] He fails when first trying to use it, but with Kurama's aid later invents the Super Mini-Tailed Beast Ball.[101]

Nature Transformation

Wind Release Rasengan
Naruto using the Wind Release: Rasengan.
As a possible alternative to Kurama's chakra, Kakashi teaches Naruto how to take advantage of his natural elemental affinity: wind. The wind nature compliments Naruto, as the wind nature is a great match for short-range fighters. Because the Rasengan was originally intended to be combined with a user's nature transformation, Naruto sets out to combine his wind affinity with the Rasengan. He struggles with it, finding it as near-impossible as his father did before him, but once again finds a solution with shadow clones: while he provides the chakra and a clone provides the shape, as is done with normal Rasengan, a second clone infuses it with their nature. This results in the creation of the Wind Release: Rasengan, and later the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken. By adding more chakra, he can make a larger version of it.[102]
On contact with a target, the Rasenshuriken explodes into a torrent of wind that cuts the enemy at a cellular level. At first, Naruto uses it like a blunt object that he forces into opponents, causing him to receive the same level of damage as they do. After learning Sage Mode, he can throw the Rasenshuriken and increase its speed and cutting power, preventing harm to himself and becoming able to expand it at will.[103] In Nine-Tails Chakra Mode he can further manipulate its size, creating a miniature version, a gigantic version, or even Twin Rasenshuriken, all without the help of shadow clones.[104]
After accessing Son Gokū's chakra, Naruto can use the tailed beast's Lava Release to form a new Rasenshuriken.[105] When accessing Shukaku's chakra, Naruto gains the ability to use Magnet Release, which he uses to create Sage Art: Magnet Release Rasengan. Upon activating his new jinchūriki form, Naruto can manifest ten black chakra spheres — similar to that of the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki — which are composed of at least four unknown chakra natures.[106]

Collaboration Techniques

Water and Wind
Naruto and Gamatatsu using their Wind Release: Toad Gun.
In the anime, Jiraiya gives Naruto special training in collaboration techniques so that he can combine his wind affinity with the affinities of summoned toads, creating one single technique that is more powerful than the sum of its parts. Naruto eventually manages to synchronise with Gamakichi and Gamatatsu, first with the Wind Release: Toad Gun, and later the Wind Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet.

Susanoo Konoha 11
Naruto in a Susanoo-clad Tailed Beast Mode with Sasuke and most of the members of Konoha 11.
Naruto briefly collaborates with Yamato, combining a Wind Release: Rasengan to create Typhoon Water Vortex Technique. He later performs another collaboration with Sasuke, producing the Scorch Release: Halo Gale Jet Black Arrow Style Zero. Tobirama Senju notes this required a perfect balance between the ratio of the combined techniques and was difficult to achieve.[107] Another collaboration with Sasuke is when Sasuke can shape Susanoo around Naruto's Sage Tailed Beast Mode, with Naruto adding chakra and senjutsu to the Susanoo swords so they can overpower even Obito's Sword of Nunoboko and destroy half of it.[108][109] He could also collaborate with most of the members of the Konoha 11, even giving them a Tailed Beast Mode mantle while they wielded a Rasengan he created.[110]


Naruto AnimeSagemode
Naruto in Sage Mode.
After Jiraiya is killed by Pain, Naruto is taught Sage Mode by Fukasaku, a former teacher of Jiraiya, to prepare him for the day when Pain comes after him. During his training he proves to have a greater aptitude for senjutsu than Jiraiya, helped in no small part by his necessarily high chakra levels. He progresses through the learning steps rapidly, becoming able to sense and then gather the natural energy around him and perfectly balance it with his own chakra. However, doing this requires absolute calmness, which can't be achieved or maintained in the middle of combat. For this reason, Fukasaku and his wife would theoretically fuse with him, gathering the natural energy for Naruto to use while he fought. During all attempts at fusion, Kurama rejected Fukasaku, a threat to its power, leaving Naruto with no way to enter Sage Mode.
Naruto found a way to use shadow clones as a workaround. While he fights, the clones gather natural energy for him and then, when he is in need, he has them disperse, transferring their natural energy to him. Although this lets him enter a perfect Sage Mode that Jiraiya was never able to, this method limits the maximum number of shadow clones that he can create to five for as long as the clones are gathering natural energy, as anything more would interfere with their focus. To make sure he has enough shadow clones for use in battle, Naruto has only two shadow clones gather senjutsu chakra, allowing him to enter Sage Mode a total of three times. He can now just enter Sage Mode in a shorter period of time.[111][112]

Fox toad mode
Naruto combining Kurama's chakra and Sage Mode.
Once mastered, Naruto was able to utilise Frog Kata, a taijutsu style that uses the natural energy around the user to enhance the range and the potency of their attacks - and sensory abilities to detect and identify other people's chakra even from very vast distances. This enabled him to be able to gain a sense of what was going on during the Fourth Shinobi World War, on battlefields a considerable distance away.[113] His sensing abilities have also enabled him to predict the movements of his enemies for easy retaliation, as shown when Naruto was able to dodge a direct attack from the Third Raikage, whom was noted to be equally as fast as his son.[114] In Sage Mode, Naruto's overall physical parameters are dramatically enhanced to the point where he could throw entities much larger than himself with little to no effort, including the Animal Path's Giant Rhino and even Kurama.[115][116] Naruto can also combine his Sage Mode with Tailed Beast Mode to further enhance his abilities.[117] After gaining half of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki's power, the markings around his eyes disappeared, yet his Sage Tailed Beast Mode was enhanced even further, enabling him to become completely immune to the effects of an enemy's Truth-Seeking Ball.[118] His speed and strength also increased to the point where Madara could barely defend against his attacks.[119]

Six Paths Sage Technique

Naruto New Jinchuriki Mode
Naruto's New Jinchūriki Form.
After drawing on the chakra he received from both the tailed beasts and Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Naruto dons a new chakra cloak referred to as Six Paths Sage Technique. In this new form, Naruto's Chakra Mode is complete with the Rinnegan and magatama patterns on his back. Furthermore, Naruto is able to create the Truth-Seeking Balls which are comprised of senjutsu. The orbs float behind him in a halo-like formation. They are highly malleable, able to be shaped into various forms, including two short staffs which he now wields.[120]

Deception and Strategy

Naruto surprises Kakashi
Naruto sneaks up behind Kakashi.
From his years as a prankster, Naruto acquired a cunning imagination that is useful in battle. Naruto's strategies typically involve shadow clones: he may direct his opponent's attentions towards one of his clones to disguise his own movements; he may transform them into objects or other individuals for surprise attacks; he may make himself seem predictable by creating a pattern, just to throw them off by breaking it.
Naruto is resourceful in a fight even without clones, formulating multi-step plans and even backups to those plans in the thick of battle.[121] He is observant, able to notice details others may overlook; after wondering how the Third Raikage, who was famous in life for his defences, could receive a scar, Naruto deduced that the scar was self-inflicted, and subsequently took advantage of that knowledge to manipulate the Raikage's movements and use his own attack to defeat himself. Even when given new information he can act quickly; when he learned that Kakashi and Tobi's Kamui were connected, he formed a plan to send one of his clones into the other dimension which enabled him to destroy Tobi's mask.[122]
Naruto is headstrong and often acts without thinking his actions through, making it difficult for others to communicate their battle or lesson plans to him. For this reason, he is sometimes considered dense. However, he is a masterful tactile learner, meaning that he learns better through executing a task rather than theorising about it.[22] Once they see him in action, even the likes of the Second Hokage revise their thoughts about his intellect.[123]

Other Skills

After the time-skip, Naruto has improved his knowledge of other ninja skills while under Jiraiya's tutelage, such as displaying some limited skill in shurikenjutsu.[124][125] Naruto has been shown to keep a spring-loaded kunai up his sleeve for quick access.[126] Though he has no skill in genjutsu, he at least knows how to dispel it and avoid falling prey to it.
Naruto's skills with fūinjutsu have not been explored greatly, but he knew how to use the seal's key after receiving Gerotora, and later resealed Kurama after he separated a majority of chakra from the tailed beast.[127] Jiraiya had left Naruto with the key to help him complete an as of yet unknown technique which he, Naruto, and Minato have been working on, but never finished. Naruto stated that he was ready to complete it.[128]

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